Frequently Asked Questions
Here is a list of pages dedicated to answering your questions! For more information or if your question is not listed on any of these pages, please contact the Office of Undergraduate Admissions.
General ItemSummer Start FAQ
Summer Academy is now Summer Start! This page will be updated soon. For now, you'll be redirected to the Summer Start website.
General ItemBlack College Institute FAQ
The Black College Institute is an academic summer enrichment program by Virginia Tech. It hosts talented, high-achieving and academically curious rising high school juniors and seniors. The in-person program will be held over a 5-day period and the virtual program (juniors) will be held over 4 days.
Redirect ItemGroup Visits FAQ , redirect
We are excited for the opportunity to welcome your group to Virginia Tech!
Redirect ItemFinancial Aid and Scholarships FAQ , redirect
You will be redirected to the University Scholarships and Financial Aid website.
Redirect ItemUniversity Registrar FAQ , redirect
You will be redirected to the University Registrar's website.
For more information, please email us at